Monday, March 8, 2010


I wanted to share about the goodness of the Lord in our journey to foster.

First of all, if you do not think you are having any more kids , you get rid of everything related to babies. We started the foster process when our youngest was 5 yrs old. ALL the baby stuff was long gone!

So, I started talking to my friends and I shared about what we felt the Lord had called us to do in fostering to adopt some kids. We had friends bring us carloads, yes , one time it was a suburban in fact , filled with items we would need ;swing, bassinet, crib, toys clothes, you name it.

I will never forget one night before our agency wanted to come out and inspect our home we were rushing to get the children's room all set up. We still needed a mattress for our crib. Very few people knew this fact. My kids and I walked out to go to church that night and sitting against my garage was a brand new with tags baby mattress. No note , just the mattress. I started to cry and my kids were worried about me and I got to share with them the beauty of the body of Christ. I told them we had a need and God placed our need on someones heart and they listened and obeyed. They spent their time and money to bless our family because God loves these children. By this time we were all crying and I know none of us will ever forget that day. A beautiful lesson on giving !

One day we received a call telling us that we would have a little girl arrive at our house in 2 hours. It was Yeah ! and Yikes all at once. I had no car seat for her ! I sent an email to my sweet friends asking if anyone had a car seat we could borrow .Within the hour one of my sweet friends arrived with a new precious pink car seat. We still use this seat today, with a blue cover, it works great !

We were also blessed by several friends with a pampers and Pj shower. My boys were given 30 pairs of pj's thankfully all sizes and I did not need to buy diapers for months. Such an amazing blessing !

There have been so many friends and family members that have blessed us with things we needed at just the right time.

There are so many orphans and children who need a home and a family. God does promise that He will supply all our needs according to His riches and Glory.

If you have considered fostering or even adoption. Know that God is faithful and He will provide for everything !

Also, if you are not a member of a Church, it is so helpful to have people who love and support you like a family.

I know we are truly blessed to have the support we do and I appreciate that so many of the people in our life have really been a huge part of our journey , with their prayers and support ! We know it would not have been this easy without these amazing people in our life.

If some of you are reading this, We love you and we cannot express how thankful we are and how much we love you!!!

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