Monday, April 11, 2011

Possibly getting to adopt again!

Well, the beautiful girl in the last post is our little Susie! We adore her ! She likes us pretty good too! We have also been able to get to know her parents through phone calls. Things are difficult for them and they are making some very hard decisions. They called and asked if we would adopt her. I have never had anyone ask me that on the phone or actually in person either. It was a very surreal moment. Here is this child who I love and adore. She has transitioned into my home so effortlessly. She is not only darling but a really easy baby and she even kinda looks like Patrick.

Anyway, back to the phone call, so here is the other side of this , I care deeply for her mama. She is very sweet!
We talk all the time, sometimes several times a day, we text each other funny things! So my heart was both excited and deeply saddened to hear the question. I am a mom and I love my kids too. I cannot imagine making that selfless sacrifice for my kids, I hope I would do the same if I needed too.
We said yes! Things could move quickly from here on out. I am going to my first meeting with them on Wednesday, 2 days! I have never met any of my kids birth moms. I of course would love to sit and have a conversation with them and learn about their personalities. Me being the curious person that I am, I would like to just watch their mannerisms . Do my kids have any funny trait's that come from their birthmom? Do they look like her? Did she have dreams for her child? Are there things she wanted them to do in life or things she wished they could see?

How amazing to get to know my baby girls parents, I already know so much about them and I cannot wait to continue to have a relationship with them. I will hopefully get pictures from her birth until now. I will get to know all the details of her birth. I have already talked with her mama about her dreams for her daughter. It is a strange position to be in, it is a strange conversation to have. I feel blessed that the Lord has worked these things out for baby Susie for her future and her life.

This will not be an easy road for anyone, yet, everyone involved believes this is the best thing for baby Susie!
I know the people who read this are my family and some of my closest friends, please continue to pray for this situation and lift up her birth parents and the details of this adoption.

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